Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Laptops in the "ladies" room

I've noticed yet another disturbing trend lately -- laptops in the ladies' room. Twice now I've seen women coming out of my office bathroom with their laptops in tow. And a friend of mine confirmed she's witnessed it too. Apparently their work and/or bowels just cannot wait.

The second woman I saw actually smiled and said hello as I passed by her in shock and awe. Personally, I'm mortified by most bathroom activities and avoid eye contact whenever I go near it. So I'm thoroughly confused by this brazen bathroom behavior.

Should I be impressed by their work ethic -- or horrified by their uncleanliness?

Photo source: http://thenextweb.com/


Josie said...

Really? I mean, really? Ooh, icky! Yes, you should be mortified by their lack of cleanliness. No one is that important that they need to keep working while going to the loo. I think they're just being ostentatious.
Must make a mental note not to borrow anyone's laptop now. . you never know where it's been.
Josie x

C. said...

I take bathroom breaks to get away from people and work....
but take work with me as well? That takes it a little too far. Work's already sending me over the edge...

Ms. P said...

Horrified. Our work bathroom has a little "lounge" area outside where the stalls are and twice a week I see someone sleeping in there. Why would you sleep one foot away from the bathroom stalls???

Amy said...

What?? People should nap under their cubes like civilized employees.

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