Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A cocktail a day keeps the writer's block away

The benefits of alcohol just keep flowing. In addition to helping you live a longer life, a cocktail or five can also help you be a better writer, according to coppyblogger. The first tip in "Five Ways to Write Magnificent Copy" is "Write drunk; Edit sober." Although the blog claims you don't need to take this advice literally, I think many, including Faulkner and Draper, would disagree.

And you thought liquid lunches were counterproductive.

Photo courtesy of amctv.com.


Christina Lee said...

hahaha I kind of agree! It's like writing your first draft with abandon and then getting serious when editing. Works for me!

B said...

mad men. lovely. i so agree with ur posts title

Ms. P said...

Man, I wish I could write drunk. Instead I just fall asleep.

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