Thursday, May 13, 2010

Oversharers Anonymous

I had never heard of "social shopping" until I read this New York Times blog, but apparently it's popular enough to be a competitive space. The site Blippy launched last fall, and Swipely recently joined the scene. Both sites are linked to users' credit cards for the purpose of publishing their purchases and allowing others to comment on them.

While I do get annoyed when certain family members rant about the ridiculousness of Facebook, I think this is where I draw the line. Why would anyone think this is a good idea? I live in constant fear of running into someone I know at CVS. Publicly share the contents of my doubled plastic bags alongside a thumbnail picture of myself? No thanks.

Oh yeah and the security issues... those are troubling as well.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm with you. You have to draw the line somewhere. There is such as thing as TMI and I don't care to know that Susie bought $40 worth of Trojan Magnums at CVS ha ha

Stephanie Faris said...

WTF? Why would anyone want people to know what they were purchasing?

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